A food addict's travels on the road to recovery.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Good Weigh Day

So it's not as amazing as the 6 lbs. I dropped last week, but it's still a loss.  The scale said 231.0 this morning for a loss of 2.6 lbs.  I feel pretty good about that, especially with bumping my calories to 1800 this week, as well as a couple of really high calorie days (Sat and Mon).  I did workout 5 days this week, so I'm sure that played a part in it.  All in all, I'm a happy girl.  I've got one week left in this month. After Christmas I said I was bringing back my 10/lb month goal to give me something to strive for, then I blew that all to hell in January.  So far I've lost 8.6 lbs in the last 3 weigh-in's.  We'll see if I can knock out another 1.4 lb. loss next week to reach that 10 lb/mo goal this time.  Hope all of you have a happy and safe weekend!  :)

Quote For the Day:

"More powerful than the will to win is the courage to begin."  -Unknown


  1. That is awesome Tammy! You are right on track with you goal and that is something to cheer about! Have a great weekend.

  2. Awesome week! Don't you love it when a plan comes together?

  3. Congrats on the loss!!! My ribcage, hip bones and shoulder blades all show. I think it looks good ;) Best of luck to you!

  4. YAY!! Congrats on your loss. It's great to be able to up the calories and still lose weight. I swear the longer it takes to get off the better chance of it staying off so 2.6 is perfect.

    I was working on the -10/month goal too and then SuperBowl weekend came along. It took me all week to work the salt out and get back to where I was last Friday.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Great job on the loss!! I'm proud of you :)

  6. That's a great loss - congrats :)

  7. You CAN reach your goal for the month! Good job on this week's loss. :D

  8. Are you not doing awesome or what???? Way to go. I am so happy for you, and you worked so hard for this. WE know how hard it can be. Beautiful job, beautiful you. Hugs, Kathleen

  9. Love to hear how well you're doing!

  10. Hi Tammy. I'm so so happy for you! You can definitely make that 10lb a month goal. You are AMAZING to come back from a difficult place with this thing and get your weight moving again so quickly. YOU CAN DO IT.

    Bearfriend xx

  11. Anywhere close to 10 lbs a month is awesome, if I can even lose 5 this month I'll be thrilled!

  12. Wow! That's another great loss! You are doing so well!

  13. Yay, Tammy! That's a great loss.

  14. Congratulations Tammy! You are doing a good job and I'm sure you'll see the 220's before much longer. You'll be happy to know that I'm trying to get back on the weight loss track. I weighed yesterday and was 250 lbs! Yes! I've gained back 17 of the 22 pounds I'd lost. I was so sad. But this is day two of healthy eating and I hope to have those 17 lbs gone in a few months.


Given by 266

Given by 266 and Bearfriend

Given by Jen

Given by Bearfriend

Given by Sheilagh & Kathleen

Given by Brittany, Michelle, Irene, Melanie, Sean, Amy, Sheilagh, Francesca & Christa

Given by Kristina, Amy & Auburn

Given by Sarah, Brittany, VRaz60, 266, Rebecca & Auburn

Given by Brittany

Given by Kelly

Given by Dawne & ETL

Given by 266, Sweettooth, Kelly & Brittany

Progress Photos

Progress Photos
232 lbs. ~ Size 18/20 outfit

232 lbs.

242.0 lbs. ~ Size 22/24 outfit

242.0 lbs.

Start Weight 06-12-09

Start Weight  06-12-09
272 lbs. ~ Size 26/28 outfit