Well it's only 3 more weeks til I move into my new tiny apartment!! I made about $50 on the last of my garage sale stuff Saturday, then packed it all up in boxes and Dwayne and I hauled it all to the Salvation Army. Next I went into packing mode for the move, with a break on Saturday evening to meet my friend Kim from "All About The Bottom Line" and her husband for dinner. We had a great time at the Cherokee Cattle Co. where I enjoyed a dish called Chicken Princess....two broiled chicken breasts stuffed with shrimp & crabmeat with a side of steamed broccoli and sauteed onions and mushrooms. I only ate one of the chicken breasts, and took the other one home to share with Scarlette....I cut off a couple of bites for her and threw the rest in the trash. Yay for not sucking it all down at the restaurant! Kim and I also shared one piece of key lime pie....she told me it was absolutely delicious and she was right! I'm glad we went the moderation route and split a piece.
I weighed 247.0 last Friday...which was down .2 of a lb. from the previous Friday...so I'm basically still maintaining. As happy as I am that I haven't been gaining this month, I am truly getting tired of seeing the # "247" flash on my scale. I want to see a lower #, and have been considering what to do to get jump started again at the end of July when I get moved into the apt. Maybe another challenge?? I'm sure thinking about it. I know there are other challenges going on right now so I'm not sure how many would be interested if I did one....we'll see. Hope everyone is doing well...I signed on the computer for about 20 mins last night before bed and hopped around to a couple of blogs and left comments. I'm hoping to stop by a few more during the day and say hi to some more of my friends!! :)
7 years ago
Hi Tammy - I miss you! I know you're swamped with the new job, packing, selling stuff and getting ready to move. It's all good stuff and I'm so glad the job is working out, but personally I think your boss should give you an hour a day for blogging??!! If only, huh?
ReplyDeleteGood job on chucking the chicken...usually I end up eating what I brought home the same night!
I'm so glad I was one of the blogs you hit last night! It made me so happy to see your comment. I promise to let you know when I'll be in ATL as soon as I know. And did you know the next International convention for AA in 2015 is in Atlanta!! I'm psyched for that, though I guess there is time to plan, yuk yuk.
Tal to you soon!
I would be interested in another challenge. I need a jump start, too. Been at or around the same weight for 3 weeks.
ReplyDeleteI would certainly contemplate a challenge if my bum knee would allow it. Moderation! Good for you.
ReplyDeleteHey hey hey, glad that you made a bit more money withthe rest of you sale. I wish you all the best with the move!
ReplyDeleteI am excited for you and your tiny apartment! It will do wonders for you to be away from other people's stresses.
ReplyDeleteWish I could come have dinner with you XOXOXO
Me again, Tammy...
ReplyDeletethere's an award for you over on my blog. Go grab it when you get a chance!
Way to go Tammy. :0)
ReplyDeleteTammy I know how you feel....I am stuck at 218 lbs. Just can't get below it. But I have good news. I have finsihed my stint of PT, and my pain under control. My therapist said I can start back at the gym. But no treadmill, and only about 5 min on the bike and elliptical. I am also going to start using the rowing machine. I am hoping this will kick the weight loss in gear. Hope your move goes smooth, and that the weather is good to you on moving day!