I weigh 226.4 this morning for a slight gain of .4 of a lb. As the title of this post says though, I've got bigger problems than this.
I found out on Wednesday that the unemployment check extension that I've got, that was supposed to last through March, has been shortened. It now ends on Dec. 23. Two weeks. I have two weeks of pay left and then that's it. I don't know if my parents will let me live here on just Shane's half of the rent, so I don't know if I'll be moving soon or what. I haven't slept much in the last 2 days, trying to figure out what I'm going to do. There is a chance at a last extension after this one ends on Dec. 23. I can apply for it online on Dec. 24th, once my account has a 0 balance. However, the counselor at the Dept of Labor told me not to count on getting it, that many people don't get it, and to assume that I won't get it. So much for giving me hope. If I did manage to get it, it would "supposedly" last for 11 more weeks. But I can't really trust that, because they just shortened my current extension by 3 months....so......what they say is pretty much crap.
So this is where I'm at and what's going on. I'm supposed to be having my family over for a Christmas dinner tonight here at my house, but all progress towards preparing for that halted 2 days ago so I don't how the dinner is going to turn out. Usually I'm so organized and right on top of these things. This week....not so much. Everyone will be here at 6pm though, so I need to get to my chores and try to remember what all needs to be done beforehand.
I hope everone is having a happy, stress-free, enjoyable holiday season.
7 years ago
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear that news. Try to make the best of your dinner today because you deserve something good.
My sister has been out of work since July and it has really been a struggle for her. She said the interviews turn out to be a joke because they hire within. My sister has two BS degrees a masters and she is a Lawyer. She don't want to practice law again but that might happen really soon.
Hang in there lady. Good things will come really soon!
ugh... that bites. sorry to hear about that. no worries about the dinner. enjoy yourself and have a good time with your family.
ReplyDeleteAin't government grand? Those who really need assistance can't get it, and those who have assistance have never worked to earn it. The system really does need an overhaul. I will hold a good thought for you, and hope everything turns out well. Don't give up, good stuff is comin'.
ReplyDeleteThis is terrible news for you...I really hope something comes up and helps your situation.
ReplyDeleteNothing I say here will help, but I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. It must be hard to see the positive side of this situation, but if you look hard enough--you might find one. Adversity can be a catalyst to positive change.
These hard times will soon pass and you will come out stronger my friend.
You might be tempted to have a negative thought after reading these words, it's only natural---but don't. Because I only share this because I've been there too. Seriously, you have no idea. It's scary, I know, but it will change for the better...You must believe that.
My best always
Crap! When it rains, it pours! Sorry to hear about this, Tammy... I wish I had something productive to suggest, but I really don't. Thinking of you...
ReplyDeleteOkay, this isn't productive, but maybe it will cheer you up:
ReplyDeleteTwo muffins are sitting in an oven.
One muffin turns to the other and ask, "Is it getting hot in here?"
The second one turns to the first and replies, "Holy crap! A talking muffin!!!"
ReplyDeleteSo sorry. I know that there is brighter day ahead. You know who to leave the burden with...watch Him work girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Tammy. It really feels like it's never ending sometimes. Living in the UK it's hard to understand how this can even happen. Are you able to get any Christmas work at all? I know it would only be temporary but then you could reapply and it would be a new claim?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry if that sounds dumb. I wish I could think of something helpful to say. Do you have any places that provide independent benefits advice?
I really hope you can get something sorted out. No one needs this kind of stress in the run up to Christmas.
Thinking of you,
Bearfriend xx
Hi Tammy. Really sorry to hear this. It just feels like it's never ending sometimes. Being in the UK I can't even understand how they can do this.
ReplyDeleteAre you able to get any Christmas work? I know it would only be temporary but after that you could apply again and it would be a new claim?
Sorry if that sounds dumb. I just wish there was something helpful I could say. Are you able to get any independent benefits advice?
I hope you're able to get something sorted out soon because no-one needs this sort of stress in the run up to Christmas.
Thinking of you,
Bearfriend xx
(sending this a second time as I don't think it went through)
Oh dear. I'm sorry you're having to go through this stressful situation.
ReplyDeleteThere really aren't any jobs that you could get? I mean, I know you're looking for a certain type, but even if you could just do something like being a server, etc., that would bring in some money... Anyway, do keep hope. God will provide.
Ugh, Tammy - that is scary, terrible news. I do hope you get the extension...better yet, I hope a job magically appears for you. Hang in there, my friend.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to say that I'm so sorry that you are having these financial problems. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear about the news! You are in my thoughts and prayers!