A food addict's travels on the road to recovery.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Update On My New Business Name

The update is that I'm still looking!  Thank you so much for the suggestions that are starting to come in.  I've been thinking on this for 2 solid weeks and can't believe how hard it is to come up with something that hasn't already been taken.  I really love "At Your Service" that Kelly and Brenda suggested, but I googled it and there's already a couple of errand svcs in Marietta, Ga. that have that name...drats!!  I wanted to throw out there that I was also considering using my initials as part of it from my first and middle name.  "T.J.'s something or other...."  Keep those ideas coming....surely we'll come up with something that nobody else has yet!!  Thanks so much!!  :)


  1. I think your story is very inspirational. I will now be a follower. Please feel free to follow me as well. I have been trying to lose just not been as vocal about it. But its time. Thank you for sharing. Vanessa


  2. Hey - I missed your post about starting the business...congratulations! That's a wonderful idea and you have the outgoing personality to get it up and running. I'm going to try and think of some stuff - hey - I thought of TamCam - maybe a derivation...Tam Can? But it doesn't say what the business is about - needs professional polish!

    Also - I'll be sending positive vibes for you with the smoking cessation. I know you guys can do it!! And it'll be hard - but so worth it.

    Sounds like you have a lot of great stuff coming up for 2011. This will be our year.


Given by 266

Given by 266 and Bearfriend

Given by Jen

Given by Bearfriend

Given by Sheilagh & Kathleen

Given by Brittany, Michelle, Irene, Melanie, Sean, Amy, Sheilagh, Francesca & Christa

Given by Kristina, Amy & Auburn

Given by Sarah, Brittany, VRaz60, 266, Rebecca & Auburn

Given by Brittany

Given by Kelly

Given by Dawne & ETL

Given by 266, Sweettooth, Kelly & Brittany

Progress Photos

Progress Photos
232 lbs. ~ Size 18/20 outfit

232 lbs.

242.0 lbs. ~ Size 22/24 outfit

242.0 lbs.

Start Weight 06-12-09

Start Weight  06-12-09
272 lbs. ~ Size 26/28 outfit