A food addict's travels on the road to recovery.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Stay Tuned...

When I got up this morning, I took a peek at the scale, and was planning on writing a pretty confident post tonight about tomorrow's weigh-in. Then I got back on it a couple of hours ago and I've gained 6 lbs over the course of the day. I swear, my body is so effed up. I've done everything right...not much sodium, under 1500 calories, walked/jogged 4 miles at the park this morning....just amazes me how that can happen. So....Thurday (weigh-in eve) has been just as stressful today as they've always been. I think I've been holding my breath for the last 2 hours. I need to go to bed and get this over with tomorrow morning. Tomorrow's post, along with the weigh-in, will be about a couple of changes I'm planning on making this week in my quest for consistency. Let's pray I don't REALLY eff things up and gain 10 lbs next week, lol. 'Nite friends. :)

Quote For the Day:

"It is much easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is much better at the top." -Henry Ward Beecher


  1. Tammy, Tammy, Tammy, you KNOW you'll weigh the least the first thing in the morning and it's GUARANTEED you'll weigh more later on! I NEVER step on the scale except first thing in the morning. It will just mess with my head, and that is just way too exhausting to deal with! I feel bad for you!

  2. I read your comment on our bear friends blog - I just wanted to thank you for being so strong and bearing your testimony- I too am a christian and I was touched by your comments to this great friend

  3. Love your quote. Sorry to hear about your gain but tomorrow is another day. You might want to set some food boundaries and start a weight lifting routine. The weight lifting will help you drop the weight because you will start building muscle that will burn that fat off. The good news it that you won't bulk up like most ladies think. Just use smaller weights and more reps. Also toss in some lunges and squats. Stay strong it will all workout. Good luck.

  4. That is strange. Well, hopefully the scale will show a loss by tomorrow morning. Good luck. :)

  5. How is your water intake?
    Any sodium nitrates hidden in your foods?

    These are both things you didn't mention and can both greatly effect water retention.

  6. Tammy I am so sorry. The scale can be such a bitch. I think no matter what tomorrow brings you should be really proud of yourself for walking/jogging. I was thinking about you this morning as I was walking down from bringing my daughter to school I am really sore today and I was thinking I dont know how Tammy does it!! OMG! So just think how far you have come and how much further you will go!
    You are amazing!!

  7. I hope it is better than you think, sounds like you are quite a water-retainer and don't forget that you are probably building quite a bit of muscle too, which always looks much better on the body than fat, although doesn't show up on the scales as a loss (darn it!).

    Good luck with your weigh in!

  8. Good Luck this morning, Tammy!

  9. One possibility for the weight gain- your hormonal cycle. Everyone talks about the weight gain at TOM, but many women get another at the time they ovulate. If your cycles have been irregular before your weight loss, your body may be working to find a new balance and things will go absolutely crazy for a while. Keep doing what you are doing, but record your weight and your cycles together to see if you notice a connection. I have PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) that makes weight loss and fertility really tricky, and I have experienced firsthand those gains for no reason and a lot of other "fun" in regards to my hormones. It can make you scream, yell and want to toss the stupid scale in a wood chipper or something.

  10. Tammy! Stay off that f-ing scale but once a week, one time, on your weigh day. And then only in the morning, butt naked and before food! Trust me, the scale will screw with your head if you engage it too much. You hear how crazy I am!

  11. Oh yeah, don't do that to yourself!!! Once a day at the most, girl. You'll drive yourself crazy!!!

  12. I so know what you are talking about. I weighed last week and went back to bed, got up an hour later and weighed again and it was a pound more. I mean really, no water, no food, just sleep....what is up with that. That's why I always take the first reading.


Given by 266

Given by 266 and Bearfriend

Given by Jen

Given by Bearfriend

Given by Sheilagh & Kathleen

Given by Brittany, Michelle, Irene, Melanie, Sean, Amy, Sheilagh, Francesca & Christa

Given by Kristina, Amy & Auburn

Given by Sarah, Brittany, VRaz60, 266, Rebecca & Auburn

Given by Brittany

Given by Kelly

Given by Dawne & ETL

Given by 266, Sweettooth, Kelly & Brittany

Progress Photos

Progress Photos
232 lbs. ~ Size 18/20 outfit

232 lbs.

242.0 lbs. ~ Size 22/24 outfit

242.0 lbs.

Start Weight 06-12-09

Start Weight  06-12-09
272 lbs. ~ Size 26/28 outfit