A food addict's travels on the road to recovery.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My First Weight Loss Challenge

I've gained this week.  I'm done gaining.  DONE.  I've been thinking about something the last couple of days and I've decided I'm going to do it.  I don't normally do other people's challenges....I tried a couple and discovered I suck at sticking to them.  I finally decided I'm going to do my OWN weight loss challenge.  It's going to start tomorrow and will last 4 weeks  I will give all the details tomorrow....I'm fixing to start working on that blog post now.  I invite anyone who wants to join in with me to do so.  The goal for you will be to lose 10 lbs this month....my goal will be a little more involved and a little loftier.  I'm going for TOTAL accountability here.  Whoever joins in and hits the 10 lb mark by the end of April wins a fantastically cheezy souvenir from my beach trip to Panama City on May 1st....woo hoo!!!  lol  Check back tomorrow for all the details....I hope you'll join in!!!  :)


  1. I don't do well with challenges, either. I like your plan of doing your own. Good luck on your challenge!

  2. We all have to set goals for ourselves...my goal setting starts again after the Easter weekend...I need/feel I need to get back on track with my eating and training as well...am allowing too many little slips and they all add up to weight gain.

  3. Bring it on Tammy! I need SOMETHING! I'm getting my Easter basket too - I forgot yesterday! Love you!

  4. I have never accepted a "challenge" before, but I like the sounds of yours Tammy. You can be my first.:-) Count me in! I'll be back to check out the details.

  5. I got on the scale this morning too and it was sorry!! That challenge starts Monday at my gym...but I'll check yours out too. I need to bust it into high gear and quit goofing off.

  6. I've barely been averaging 5 pounds a month so I'm not sure I'd be able to hit those lofty goals especially if I can't use the elliptical for a while but I'm going to do my best to lose more this month than last.

    Good luck with the challenge.

    THANKS for the Easter basket!

  7. I haven't lost a pound in two weeks....so count me in on your challenge. Sounds like something I really need. Hugs, Kathleen

  8. Count me in for the challenge as well. I need the extra motivation. Besides, I was shooting for a ten pound loss in April anyway. Good luck to everyone!

  9. I need to join you - I have been having a snacky week and not journalling but I also suck at sticking to challenges - life seems to get in the way :)

  10. I'm in!!!! I've been stuck on 72.5kl for the last month and I just can't shift it. I run, I'm eating healthier and less then I have my whole life and yet I'm still stick - so yes I will join you! bring it on.


Given by 266

Given by 266 and Bearfriend

Given by Jen

Given by Bearfriend

Given by Sheilagh & Kathleen

Given by Brittany, Michelle, Irene, Melanie, Sean, Amy, Sheilagh, Francesca & Christa

Given by Kristina, Amy & Auburn

Given by Sarah, Brittany, VRaz60, 266, Rebecca & Auburn

Given by Brittany

Given by Kelly

Given by Dawne & ETL

Given by 266, Sweettooth, Kelly & Brittany

Progress Photos

Progress Photos
232 lbs. ~ Size 18/20 outfit

232 lbs.

242.0 lbs. ~ Size 22/24 outfit

242.0 lbs.

Start Weight 06-12-09

Start Weight  06-12-09
272 lbs. ~ Size 26/28 outfit

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